Batik product development and export conference
23-4 May 2014, Kampoeng Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
A one day conference will provide information necessary for participants to plan for export of their batik and craft products. This will include information about product design, e-commerce platforms and legal issues. For visitors to Central Java, it will be an opportunity to learn about the contemporary batik scene.
23 May Dialog Batik
Design presentations and feedback
24 May Export pathways
07:00 Opening ceremony with traditional dance
09:00 Exhibition tour
10:00 Presentations by Zahir Wadid and Kevin Murray
11:30 Fashion show
13:00 Presentation (TBC) and Carla van Lunn
15:00 Craft and national identity
16:50 Seminar closes
Dialog Batik is associated with the World Crafts Council Asia Pacific and is part of the Sangam Project, an Indo-Pacific network of artisans and designers seeking creative partnerships of mutual benefit. See It is supported by the Australia Indonesia Institute.
Cost: Rp 250,000
See More details will be posted on this website. For inquiries, email
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